Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Keyword DIscovery
When a user type a word on the search engine to find what they are looking for। The search terms they typed are called Keywords, and the combinations of keywords are keyphrases.

Keywords are an ingredients for your websites to be listed on the search engines like google, yahoo and msn।Ideally, you should undertake keyword research well before you choose a domain name, structure your site and build your content.

However, this is not always possible, as most web masters only turn to SEO after they have built their site। Even if you have a site already, it is vital to invest significant time and energy on keyword research before starting your SEO campaign.

I would recommend 20% of all your SEO effort is focused on this activity alone. If you make poort keyword selections, you are likely to waste energy elsewhere in your SEO campaign, pursuing avenues unlikely to yield traffic in sufficient quantity, quality or both.
Google Analytics keyword stats can also be particularly useful input to the early stages of an SEO campaign। As from Google Analytics, you can discovered which keywords on your site has the highest रंक्स इन Google.

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